Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my swimmer is ready for Signal Creek Swim Team?

While we do accept five and six-year-olds, we find that seven or eight is the right age depending on the child. We look for kids that want to be at the pool and can swim the length of the pool safely. Try outs can be daunting but we are here to help and support. Our White Team is designed for kids that can navigate the water safely and are ready to learn competitive stokes.

What if we can’t come to tryouts?

If you are VERY confident that your child can swim a length of the pool, or your child has swum on another team, please let me know and we can waive tryouts. Although we have turned away very few swimmers over the years, we would prefer to see most kids, especially the younger ones. If they are shaky, it is generally better to wait a year so they have a positive experience. If you are unsure about their ability and can’t make the tryouts, please contact me to discuss the situation. This year we are offering two opportunities to tryout and potentially a pre-team clinic.

What do the Signal Creek Swim Team tryouts look like?

Signal Creek tryouts are scheduled for June 3 and 4th and will be held at the Signal Creek Pool.  

During tryouts, swimmers will be asked to first do a back float in the shallow end for about 5-10 seconds.  If they are successful with the backfloat, then swimmers will be asked to swim 15-25 yards.  Depending on the swimmers skill level, we may ask to see some other strokes to determine the best placement on our swim team.  

Try outs can sometimes be scary, but please know we are here to help support you.  Our main goal is to assess your child’s swimming skills, determine what team best fits your swimmer and determine your child’s safety in the pool.  We also want to meet and get to know our newest members of our team and answer any questions you may have. 

What if we can’t come to tryouts?

Signal Creek tryouts are scheduled for June 3 and 4th and will be held at the Signal Creek Pool.  

If you are not available to attend tryouts on June 3 or 4, then please email Coach Kristin ( to set up a time to try out.  We typically have kids try out before or after practices during the first weeks of practice.

What if we can't make all the meets or practices?

We swim in a recreational league—we do not take attendance, there are no team points, and individuals are awarded ribbons for placing first through eighth in their events. Like any activity, you get what you give. Swimming is a very technical sport and the more practices you attend, the more you will learn! We only ask that you notify the coaches if you will not be at a meet by the Tuesday before the meet. It is not necessary to notify us if you will be missing a single practice.

We need to miss a week due to camp/vacation. What happens?

Please let one of the coaches know if your child will be gone for an extended period of time. You may also temporarily switch to a different practice time. (For example, come at 7:30 so you can make your 9:00 activity.) Please just let a coach know. We do not pro-rate for a partial season or vacations.

What if my child would like to swim at practice, but not compete?

Meets are not required, but please know that it is fun and satisfying to compete in meets, especially in a recreational league. Competing in a meet is a great way to chart your progress throughout the season. We will be strongly encouraging swimmers to compete in meets.
Because meets can sometimes be a scary and unfamiliar adventure for new swimmers, all swimmers are encouraged to attend the 2nd annual Signal Creek Practice Meet on June 15.  The purpose of this meet is to ease swimmers into the swim meet culture by creating a fun and stress-free experience as well as familiarize former swimmers with swimming rules and regulations.  This opportunity will allow swimmers and parents to experience a swim meet, ask questions, and see all that a swim meet entails.

What swimming equipment will my swimmer need?

Competitive swimwear is required, including a suit, cap and goggles. 
It is recommended that swimmers have at least one competitive suit.   A traditional pair of swim trunks or a swimsuit/two piece will make it extremely difficult for your swimmer to have a good experience.  It is also recommended that swimmers purchase a team suit (optional), especially if your child will be participating in meets.  Team suits should only be worn for competition. Wearing a different suit to practices will ensure the team suit will be in the best shape for swim meets.  Also, it is easier for coaches to locate our swimmers at a swim meet if they are wearing a team suit.
Fins are highly recommended for practice. Fins are worn during every practice and used for stroke technique and speed assisted training.  We are making plans with our vendor to make equipment available to purchase, or you can purchase from another source. If you buy fins on your own please be sure they are swim fins and not dive fins. 
We will provide one Signal Creek Swim Cap for each swimmer. If you need another swim cap throughout the season, they are available for purchase for $10.  
Goggles are needed for better visibility and protection against the irritation of pool water. Be sure the goggles you buy are comfortable and watertight. Please keep in mind that recreational swimwear/googles and competitive swimwear/googles are different. 
We will provide swimmers with kickboards as well as other practice tools while at practice. 
Team suits and swim caps are ordered at the beginning of each season. MI Sports is our team vendor. They will be at the pool during practices on June 6. 

What if my child wants to quit the team?

You may receive a full refund minus the cost of insurance and the T-shirt ($30) if you quit by the end of the first week of practice only. After that there will be no refunds.